Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Lab

The human musculoskeletal system is a remarkable engineering system that enables voluntary movement with inherent ease in healthy individuals. Yet, its complexity makes it difficult to understand and treat many orthopaedic pathologies. We study musculoskeletal biomechanics in the context of injury and disease using motion capture, medical imaging, and computational modeling. Our ultimate goal is to integrate insights from our experimental and computational work in the development of effective rehabilitation strategies aimed at restoring and preserving pain-free mobility throughout the lifespan.


Eni Halilaj

Eni Halilaj

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

I am an associate professor in Mechanical Engineering, with courtesy appointments in Biomedical Engineering and the Robotics Institute, at Carnegie Mellon University and an adjunct faculty member in Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. I currently direct the CMU Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Lab, an interdisciplinary group seeking to understand and optimize movement mechanics in individuals with mobility impairments.

Scaife Hall 317
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Eni Halilaj
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Current projects in our lab focus on understanding how movement biomechanics in natural environments relate to primary/post-traumatic osteoarthritis and poor outcomes following orthopedic surgeries. We are developing wearable sensing and computer vision tools to streamline patient monitoring out of the lab and assist clinicians with diagnostic, prognostic, and pre-surgical planning decisions. Additionally, we are developing technology-assisted rehabilitation and disease-prevention strategies and evaluating them in natural environments.

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Research team

Evy Meinders headshot

Evy Meinders


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Aminreza Khandan


Jimin An

Jimin An


Inseung Kang
Zhixiong Li headshot

Zhixiong (Jack) Li


Vu Phan headshot

Vu Phan


Soyong Shin headshot

Soyong Shin


Mukundan Chariar headshot

Mukundan Chariar


Holly Chen

Holly Chen


Kunwoo Lee

Kunwoo Lee


Chaeeun Lee

Chaeeun Lee


Titus Priscu headshot

Titus Priscu


Sijia Li

Sijia Li


Anning Li

Anning Li


Julian Ng-Thow-Hing

Julian Ng-Thow-Hing



Sofia Warehall



Jialing Bi


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Rhea Soo


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Koharu Matsuki


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Course Course Name Location Units Semester Offered
24-351 Dynamics Pittsburgh 10 Fall
24-663 Special Topics: Biomechanics of Human Movement Pittsburgh 12 Fall, Spring
24-665 Special Topics: Wearable Health Technologies Pittsburgh 12 Spring
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Articles & Book Chapters (last 5 years)

  1. An J, Song C, Halilaj E, Kang I. "Optimizing Locomotor Task Sets in Biological Joint Moment Estimation for Hip Exoskeleton Applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.07823.
  2. Shin S, Kim J, Halilaj E, Black MJ. “WHAM: Reconstructing World-grounded Humans with Accurate 3D Motion.” In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024. (conference paper)
  3. Tong H, Halilaj E, Zhang J. “HybridOctree_Hex: Hybrid Octree-Based Adaptive All-Hexahedral Mesh Generation with Jacobian Control,” Journal of Computational Science, 2024. (journal article)
  4. Phan, Vu, Ke Song, Rodrigo Scattone Silva, Karin G. Silbernagel, Josh R. Baxter, and Eni Halilaj. "Seven Things to Know about Exercise Monitoring with Inertial Sensing Wearables," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2024. (journal article)
  5. Rokhmanova N, Pearl O, Kuchenbecker K, Halilaj E. “IMU-Based Kinematics Estimation Accuracy Affects Gait Retraining Using Vibrotactile Cues,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineeringv. 32, pp. 1005-1012, 2024. (journal article)
  6. Tong H, Halilaj E, Zhang J. “Planar Unstructured Quadrilateral Control Mesh for Isogeometric Analysis Using the Advancing-Front Method and Neural Networks,” Journal of Computational Science, v.72, p. 102109, July 2023. (journal article)
  7. Pearl O, Shin S, Godura A, Bergbreiter S, Halilaj E. “IMU and Video Fusion via Optimal Control of a Biomechanical Model,” Journal of Biomechanics, v. 155, p. 111617, June 2023. (journal article)
  8. Shin S, Li Z, Halilaj E. “Human Motion Tracking with Noisy Video and Inertial Sensing Data,” IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering, v. 70(11), pp. 3082-3092, May 2023. (journal article)
  9. Tan T, Wang D, Shull P, Halilaj E. “IMU and Smartphone Camera Fusion for Knee Adduction and Knee Flexion Moment Estimation,” IEEE Transactions in Industrial Informatics, v. 19(2), pp. 1-12, July 2022. (journal article)
  10. Rokhmanova N, Kuchenbecker K, Shull P, Ferber R, Halilaj E. “Predictive Modeling of Knee Adduction Moment Response to Gait Retraining with Minimal Clinical Data,” PLOS Computational Biology, v. 18, p. e1009500, May 2022. (journal article)
  11. Halilaj E, Shin S, Rapp E, Xiang D. “American Society of Biomechanics Early Career Achievement Award 2020: Toward Portable and Modular Biomechanics Labs: How Video and IMU Fusion Will Change Gait Analysis.” Journal of Biomechanics, Journal of Biomechanics, v. 129, p. 110650, December 2021. (journal article)
  12. Urish K, Lewis G, Halilaj E. “Musculoskeletal Biomechanics,” Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: 14, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, edited by LM Galatz and FM Azar: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, January 2023. (book chapter)
  13. Whitford A, Kim E, Halilaj E, Keelan Enseki, Adam Popchack, Hodgins J. “Sensor-Based Evaluation of Physical Therapy Exercises,” Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, v. 2021, >pp. 7556-7561, November 2021. (conference paper)
  14. Rapp E*, Shin S*, Thomsen W, Ferber R, Halilaj E. “Estimation of Kinematics from Inertial Measurement Units Using a Combined Deep Learning and Top-Down Optimization Framework.” Journal of Biomechanics, v. 116, p. 110229, February 2021. (*equal contribution) (journal article)

Conference Abstracts (last 5 years)

  1. Seagars K, Uhlrich SD, Kolesar JA, Mazzoli V, Halilaj E, Delp SL. “Reduced Compressive and Shear Forces from Gait Retraining Relate to Slowed Cartilage Degeneration.” World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Vienna, Austria, 2024.
  2. Meinders E, Li Z, Sprague A, Irrgang J, Mushal V, Halilaj E. “The Quadriceps Muscles May Not Contribute to Knee Underloading in Individuals Three Months after ACL-Reconstruction Surgery.” American Society of Biomechanics, Madison, WI, 2024.
  3. Shin S, Li Z, Phan V, Black MJ, Halilaj E. “Markerless Motion Tracking in Natural Environments with a Single Moving Camera.” American Society of Biomechanics, Madison, WI, 2024.
  4. Li Z, Shin S, Phan V, Meinders E, Halilaj E. “Does Sequential Implementation of Biomechanical Constraints Improve Computer Vision Solutions for Markerless Motion Tracking?” American Society of Biomechanics, Madison, WI, 2024.
  5. Phan V, Li Z, Meinders E, Halilaj E. “Does Biomechanical Modeling Improve IMU-Based Estimation of Lower-Limb Kinematics?” American Society of Biomechanics, Madison, WI, 2024.
  6. Parola L, Halilaj E. “The Gait Lab Syndrome: How Laboratory Environments Mask Gait Differences between Healthy Individuals and Patients with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
  7. Pearl O, Rokhmanova N, Dankovich L, Bergbreiter S, Halilaj E. “Capacitive Sensing for Real-Time Estimation of Muscle Bulging in Natural Environments.” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023
  8. Pearl O, Rokhmanova N, Dankovich L, Bergbreiter S, Halilaj E. “Capacitive Sensing for Natural Environment Rehabilitation Monitoring.” International Society of Biomechanics, Fukukoa, Japan, 2023.
  9. Tong H, Halilaj E, Zhang J. “Planar Unstructured Quadrilateral Meshes Using the Advancing-Front Method and Neural Networks.” Symposium on Industrial Applications of Isogeometric Analysis, U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM, 2023.
  10. Rokhmanova N, Pearl O, Kuchenbecker K, Halilaj E. “The Role of Kinematic Estimation Accuracy on Learning with Wearable Haptics.” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
  11. Shin S, Li Z, Halilaj E. “3D Human Motion Tracking Using a Single Camera.” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
  12. Phan V, Sung K, Silva R, Sibernagle K, Baxter J, Halilaj E. “Seven Things to Know about Exercise Monitoring with Inertial Sensing Wearables.” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
  13. Shin S, Hodgins J, Halilaj E. “Physical-Therapy Assessment with Uncalibrated Cameras and Inertial Sensors.” American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
  14. Rokhmanova N, Pearl O, Kuchenbecker K, Halilaj E. “Predicting Knee Adduction Moment Response to Gait Retraining with Minimal Clinical Data.” North American Congress of Biomechanics: joint Canadian and American Society of Biomechanics Meetings, Ottawa, CA, 2022.
  15. Shin S, Halilaj E. “Markerless Motion Tracking from Multi-View Videos and Minimally Calibrated IMUs.” North American Congress of Biomechanics: joint Canadian and American Society of Biomechanics Meetings, Ottawa, CA, 2022.
  16. Pearl O, Godura A, Bergbreiter S, Halilaj E. “IMU and Video Fusion via Optimal Control of a Biomechanical Model.” North American Congress of Biomechanics: joint Canadian and American Society of Biomechanics Meetings, Ottawa, CA, 2022.
  17. Halilaj E, Shin S, Pearl O, Rokhmanova N. “Rehabilitation Monitoring with Wearables: from Physical Therapy to Natural Ambulation.” Quadrennial World Congress of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.
  18. Tan T, Wang D, Shull P, Halilaj E. “IMU-Camera Fusion for Estimation of Knee Adduction and Flexion Moments.” American Society of Biomechanics 2021, Atlanta, GA, August 2021.
  19. Shin S, Halilaj E. “Learning-Based 3-D Human Body Reconstruction from Multiview Cameras.” American Society of Biomechanics 2021, Atlanta, GA, August 2021.
  20. Thomas K, Krzemiński D, Kidziński Ł, Paul R, Halilaj E, Black M, Chaudhari A, Gold G, Delp S. “Automated Segmentation of Knee Cartilage in MRIs Using Deep Neural Networks.” Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL, 2020.
  21. Shin S, Rapp E, Ferber R, Halilaj E. “Combined Deep Learning and Top-Down Optimization for Estimation of Kinematics from IMUs.” American Society of Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
  22. Rokhmanova N, Shull P, Kuchenbecker K, Halilaj E. “Subject-Specific Biofeedback for Gait Retraining Outside of the Lab.” Dynamic Walking, Hawley, PA, 2020.
  23. Thomsen W, Ferber R, Halilaj E. “Predicting Joint Kinematics from Sensors with Varying Body-Segment Alignments.” International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, New York, NY, 2019.
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We organize Perry Initiative workshops and National Biomechanics Day events in Pittsburgh. Contact us to learn more and get involved. ▲ Back to the top

Media mentions

Mechanical Engineering

MechE hosts 2024 Rising Stars Workshop

Rising Stars in Mechanical Engineering supports female graduate students and postdocs who are considering careers in academia.

CMU Engineering

2024 Dean’s Early Career Fellowships awarded

The College of Engineering congratulates Eni Halilaj, Coty Jen, and George Okeyo, the 2024 recipients of the Engineering Dean's Early Career Fellowships.


Halilaj speaks on the benefits of using AI for biomechanical analyses

MechE’s Eni Hallilaj speaks on the benefits of using AI for biomechanical analyses in Medscape. Especially for “highly heterogeneous conditions that we have not been able to fully characterize through traditional studies with limited patients,” the app allows for the possibility of having hundreds or even thousands involved in studies.

CMU College of Engineering

2023 Engineering Faculty Awards announced

The 2023 Engineering Faculty Awards highlight faculty members who have shown outstanding educational, research, and service efforts. Congratulations to all of this year’s awardees!


Halilaj quoted on about humanoid robots

MechE’s Eni Halilaj was quoted by CNBC about humanoid robots. “Our body is a complex engineering system that we still do not fully understand,” Halilaj said.

Mechanical Engineering

NIH awards Halilaj $2.7M

Eni Halilaj will collaborate with UPMC to predict the onset of post-traumatic osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery.

CMU Engineering

Halilaj and Ren receive NSF Career Awards

College of Engineering’s Eni Halilaj and Charlie Ren have received National Science Foundation CAREER Awards for their research.

CMU Engineering

Precision rehabilitation to prevent osteoarthritis

Wearable sensors plus computer vision could reduce the likelihood of degenerative joint disease.

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Halilaj project making waves for biomedicine

MechE’s Halilaj Eni’s project DeepGaitLab, funded by CZI Science, proposes to interface computer vision tools with an open-source biomechanical modeling software, facilitating the uptake of motion tracking lacking markers.

Mechanical Engineering

Biomechanics for teens

National Biomechanics Day is a worldwide celebration that strives to bring the complex world of biomechanics to high school students through hands-on activities, demonstrations, and Q&A sessions with real-world professionals.

Halilaj receives ASB Young Scientist Award

MechE’s Eni Halilaj has won the American Society of Biomechanics Young Scientist Award. The award will be presented at this year’s ASB meeting in August.

Halilaj led workshop for high school girls

MechE’s Eni Halilaj partnered with the Perry Initiative and UPMC and Allegheny Health surgeons to host a hands-on workshop for 40 high school girls and teach them about the intersection of engineering and orthopaedics.

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