
Joanna Wolfe’s research focuses on equity and communication, looking at factors that inhibit the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in cultures of power, and investigating evidence-based strategies for overcoming these inequities. She also does research on technical communication and writing in the disciplines (particularly engineering), asking what effective communication looks like in a range of contexts. In addition, she is very interested in technology and how new technological affordances can change the ways we read, write, and teach. Her research tends to be very applied and action-oriented, seeking to make specific and measurable changes in the world. Her research has received awards from the National Council of Teachers of English, the American Association of Engineering Educators, the IEEE Professional Communication Society, and the Association for Computing Machinery.

Posner Hall


2001 Ph.D., English, The University of Texas at Austin

1997 MA, English, The University of Texas at Austin

1991 BA, English, The University of Maryland at College Park