Rising Stars in Mechanical Engineering

The Rising Stars in Mechanical Engineering Workshop supports women graduate students and postdocs who are considering careers in academia. The purpose of the workshop is for participants to gain career skills, connect with a cohort of peers, and engage with mentors. The seventh Rising Stars in Mechanical Engineering Workshop will be held in-person on Carnegie Mellon University’s campus on October 3-4, 2024. This annual workshop rotates between MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, and CMU.

How to be nominated

Participants must be graduate students within 1 to 3 years of graduating with a Ph.D. at the time of the workshop or they must have obtained a Ph.D. no earlier than 2021 and not currently hold a faculty position. Applicants must be nominated by a faculty member. Approximately 30 candidates will be selected to participate in the program. 

Approximately 30 candidates will be selected to participate in the program based on the strength of the submitted materials (CV, personal statement, nomination letter). Given equally strong applications, we will favor those who are closer to going on the job market and may not have another opportunity to attend this workshop in future years.

The faculty nominator should submit the following materials: 

  1. General info about the nominee
    • Name (Last, First)
    • Email address
    • Institution/place of employment
    • Current role (Grad student, Postdoc)
    • Expected or actual conferral date of Ph.D. (e.g., May 2023)
  2. General info about the nominator 
    • Name (Last, First)
    • Email address
    • Institution/place of employment
    • Title (e.g., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering)
  3. Personal statement, CV, and reference information should be combined into 1 PDF named "LastnameFirstname"
    1. Personal statement prepared by the applicant describing their professional goals and motivation for pursuing them (maximum 1 page)
    2. The applicant's CV (no page limit)
    3. Nomination letter from the faculty nominator (no more than 1 page)

Accomodations and travel

Travel reimbursement will be provided for up to $500. Accommodations will be provided for the duration of the program.

Nomination deadline

August 1, 2024 (11:59 p.m. Eastern Time); selections for admittance to the workshop will be finalized by early September 2024.


Contact Eni Halilaj, ehalilaj@andrew.cmu.edu

Workshop Chair

Eni Halilaj headshot

Eni Halilaj

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Application Deadline